I feel sad. I wonder if you feel the same.
We sang songs about you in church. Your name was slipped in at the end of a prayer or two. During the sermon, the entire book of Daniel was reviewed.
We heard about the bad testimony some Christian leaders have had in the past three decades, how hard it was for Daniel and the three Hebrews to stand firm in their faith, and how hard it is for us in smaller ways.
We learned God is sovereign over the affairs of the nations. And we should keep our eyes on Israel. We seem to have even figured out the day you rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, but we didn’t hear much about the one who sat on the donkey.
What about you?
What about you, Lord Jesus?
There are twelve chapters in Daniel. Could you not be found in even one?
We’ve heard enough about anti-Christ, angelic warfare, the cosmic battle, the “millennium.”
What about you? What about the stone in chapter 2? The fourth man in the fire in chapter 3? The splendor of the Son of man in chapter 7? What about the heavenly messenger in chapter 10? And Messiah in chapter 9—the central, crowning figure in all of Jewish history, to whom the seventy weeks draw every believing heart? The focal point in the seventy weeks is not anti-Christ but Christ! We are not told to keep our eyes on Israel but on you (Heb. 12:1,2)! “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10). You are the hope of Israel, not some property in the Middle East.
I will bring garlands to spread over your brow. I will bow my head before your great majesty, Lord Jesus.
(Third of four personal letters written in October-December 2011.)
See letter #4
© James Unruh 2015 and beyond
I like this blog it’s a master piece!
When the judge took off his robe, he became like any other man. And that’s exactly what Jesus did. He left heaven, took off the robe of glory, and became like any other man. And he died for us, so our sins would no longer condemn us and keep us eternally separated from God.