President Trump
No matter how you feel about President Trump, God has providentially spared his life. Not once. But twice. Miraculously! Moreover, the man the assassin killed in the first assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania, Corey Comperatore, a strong Trump supporter, was our brother in Christ.
But before we set our eyes on the road ahead, let us take a look in our rear-view mirror at Trump’s first term.
There were no new wars, and our country and the world were doing well (before COVID); maybe the best in several decades. Some believe it was the best ever.
Our world was at peace because of President Trump’s diplomacy with Kim Jong Un and other leaders like Xi and Putin, the Abraham Accords, and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, to name just a few global impacts he had. Not to mention his efforts to bring Pastor Brunson and others home and defend religious freedom abroad.
President Trump and America
And now, as we approach this election, President Trump is surrounding himself with highly intelligent people who support him and work with him. These people are very capable of leading our country. Being a diverse group politically, with no allegiance to party affiliations, they are united because they love America and understand the dangers facing our country. It is an alliance of President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, and others–a virtual “Dream Team.”
Whatever reason a person might have for disliking President Trump, he has shown himself to be an able leader, and God’s hand has been on him.
So, when Kathy and I see dark, demonic elements repeatedly going after Trump and trying to destroy him, we feel, as followers of Jesus, we need to stand with him against this darkness.
In fact. Seeing as how we (those who belong to Jesus) are the light of the world, we wish more Christians would ask themselves the obvious. . . If darkness is going after Trump, what does that say about him? We are all familiar with the teaching of Jesus about a kingdom divided. That puts Trump in a place where we ought to stand as well, rather than join the attack on him, and inadvertently find ourselves on the wrong side of the “gates” (Matt. 16:18); on the wrong side in the spiritual war.
The attacks on Trump began the moment he stepped on the escalator in 2015 and have been ongoing and virtually non-stop for nine years, and they have come in almost every form imaginable.
President Trump and the election
But, as for this election. . .
As Christians vote (sadly–if they vote at all), they should ask themselves. . .
Are we okay with our families and our children living in a country with an open southern border where thousands of criminals flow into America virtually unimpeded, and child trafficking goes unchecked?
Are we fine with not having America anymore? (That is a valid possibility.)
Praying for President Trump and America
Since Christians are generally disinclined to pray publically for President Trump, or to pray, in any meaningful way, for our country, God is “raising up children” like Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand to pray for America. This is a sad indictment of the church in America.
So, let us, who desire to pray for President Trump and America, join Jordan and Russell in prayer. . .
Praying together for America
“Father in heaven, our Almighty Father: please continue to protect President Trump and others who are on the frontlines of the spiritual war raging across America and the world. Help us as Christians, to rise from sleep and engage in this warfare with deep, heartfelt, Holy Spirit-inspired intercession for America. We ask you, as it is pleasing in your eyes, and according to your will and purpose, to save and bless America. Your hand is not shortened that it cannot save our country. So, please don’t let your church (of all people!), that claims to know you and calls you ‘Almighty,’ limit you. Let us not limit the Holy One of Israel (Ps. 78:41). And, thereby dishonor you. For, as you have said, the purposes of the Lord will stand. Whatever they may be.
“And dear Lord Jesus, our Savior: all authority is given to you, in heaven and on earth. Please help us, Lord Jesus! From the place where you reign, at the right hand of the Majesty on High (Isa. 16:5), please help America. And give us grace that we as a country don’t deserve, with a second term for President Trump.
“. . .Because you have told us to ask, we ask for this mercy and this lovingkindness from your nail-scarred hands. The hands into which all things have been given.
“Finally. Our dear Father in heaven: please deliver us from evil; and, in your mercy, and according to your will, on earth as it is in heaven, we ask you to save America once again. For your glory and the glory of your Son, Jesus, we ask this. Thank you, in His name. Amen.”
A miracle
God can do a miracle. So let us trust Him for that, and commit this into His capable, all-wise, and sovereign hands. “For, with God, there will be nothing impossible.”
For those of you who wondered why you received a message in your email that a new post (this one) was up; I accidentally hit the “Publish” button before I had finished writing it! (I have often wondered what that would be like! Now I know.) And I hadn’t even given it a title yet. So, I scrambled to find the “Delete” button and deleted it “double-quick”! 🙂 Of course, that did not stop the “automatic send” we’ve got in place, to everyone on the mailing list. So, even though the post was deleted, the opening words were promptly sent out, with no post there when you clicked on “Read the post”; instead, it took you to the Home Page I created for this website ten years ago. By the way, this year (2024) marks the 10th anniversary of Jesus and You!
Then, after I deleted the unfinished post, I rewrote it. But now, here it is, at last! Thanks for bearing with me.
God bless. And, please vote in this election! And tell everyone you know to do likewise.
Video links
Also, I encourage you to take the time to look at the video links above, if you haven’t already. And share them with others. They are so important, as we turn our eyes toward this election–especially the “America Is Running Out Of Time” video. Thank you.
I also invite the reader to look at two related posts I wrote about President Trump in 2019: Christian Values and While Christians Sleep, and an important post from 2018 that relates to spiritual warfare during the Trump presidency: Judge Kavanaugh – A Battle Between Darkness and Light.
But now, let us travel together to
© James Unruh 2024 and beyond
Woh I like your content, bookmarked! .
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Best regards Brian
Thanks James. May you and Kathy have a blessed day.
Cool website!
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James is there anyway to share this on social media?
Hi Debbie. Copy the link in the address bar at the top of the page the post is on, and paste it on Facebook or wherever you like, with a comment or description of the post. Thanks.
Hi James, I loved’re writings are right on and such a beautiful pray..
Much love to u both..