Our Free Bible Verse Tracts provide an easy way for you to share the Good News with your family, friends, and other people you may meet along life’s pathway!
There are four individual card templates to choose from below. Each template contains one specific Bible verse that can be printed and cut into ten individual cards. I recommend printing on card stock simply because it’s stronger and doesn’t tear as easily. But plain typing paper will work too.
The cards are designed to be small enough to carry in your pocket, purse or wallet. Always try to keep some Bible Verse Tracts within easy reach so you can give them away whenever you have an opportunity. I think you might be surprised by how many people say thank you. =)
Share the Gospel!
(10 cards per template)
Download Instructions:
- Hover over any card image below to download its template.
- Print the template on card stock or paper of your choice.
- Cut the printed template into 10 individual cards.
- Carry Bible Verse Tracts in your pocket, purse, or wallet.
- Share the Good News with everyone you meet!
People need to hear the Good News of the Gospel and these Bible verse tracts are a simple way for you to sow a small seed of Truth among the people you come into contact with. Pray for their salvation. Ask God to bless His Word and cause it to bear fruit in the lives of those who have received it.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I commanded you; and low, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
~ Mt. 28:20 ~